Who can qualify?
Anyone who:
A. Has taken Reiki Level One and Level Two degrees;
B. Done self-healing and healing of others;
C. Is willing to submit to the requirements of the program;
D. Is willing to follow the fair energy exchange for the program.
There are two levels for Reiki Master Certification namely, the Reiki Master-A Certification on which a student is attuned to pass on attunements to others; and second is the Reiki Master-B Certification on which the student aside from being attuned to pass on attunements to others, completes the requirements to teach the reiki classes. It is always an option, if one wants to teach or not. However, passing an attunement is a task to do. There are cases that a teacher is attuned and yet never do the task of a reiki master-teacher, I suggest that one really reflect on being one. Otherwise, a non-performing reiki master-teacher is not using the gifts that the universe has provided for them. One should not be attached to the titles of being a Reiki Master, but rather focus on the service to others.
I offer an apprenticeship program. This means it is a process of training. This also means that an aspiring Reiki Master-Teacher should fulfill all the requirements within a given time frame. There is no instant certification. Once fulfilled, one can be a Certified Reiki Master A or a Certified Reiki Master-Teacher. There is no fixed duration for the certification but an individualized process and will be based on the pacing of the development of the student.
There is a new level of professionalism that we are also adding to our Reiki practice - a Reiki Professional Training for those who would like to practice professionally, and specially to those aspiring Reiki Master-Teacher. Our training hopes to meet the standards of seeing Reiki with the bounds of professionalism and ethics of the practice. I encourage you to take the different modules on the Reiki Professional Training.
Once you reach Master Level, your journey has only just begun. You will go further in your journey and make decisions that you never thought possible before. Your life will be changed forever.