Reiki Guidance is a spiritual process to help a person see life in a spiritual “eye”. This is a one-on-one spiritual counseling to acquire clarity in life, solve issues, set life-goals, develop spiritual practice and achieve spiritual wellness. Guided by Divine Intuition, the methods vary but usually done in Reiki Method.
Free Reiki Guidance
To avail of my free Reiki Guidance, please drop me a line with your full name, birtdate and other details here:
Energy exchange for Life Reading via email is $60, please hit ADD TO CART button and send me your full name, birthdate and other details here:
Energy exchange for Life Reading via Skype is $90, please hit ADD TO CART button. Send me an email here and I will reply to your message with my skype handle:
197 Main Street Road Town Tortola, VG 1110 British Virgin Islands